This will be a long post!
As you all know, we got the cutest little puppy name Cody. He’s a little over 4 mos now. He was all shy and mellow when we first got him. But this little guy is a monster. He loves to run around all over the house and chews on wood a lot! He’s getting the potty training down so no more accidents. Any time, I sit on the floor he automatically runs to me and sits on my lap. He’s just too adorable. We take to Lowe's every time we go. He's a regular and everyone knows him by his name. Quite the ladies man!
2 weeks ago I went to Boston with Sally, Jenn, and Mmai. We went to visit TMai for her White Coat ceremony. It was a really good trip. A lot of walking, a lot of eating, and we were always on the go. We even went to NYC for a day!
All these pictures were taken on my camera phone. I will post more that were taken with the real cameras, as I get them. I didn't take my camera with my because I didn't want to lug it around.
Dave and I moved into our new house. Poor Dave did all the moving while I was in Boston. The house is a lot of work but it’s coming together nicely! I LOVEEEE HAVING MY OWN KITCHEN. Dave is the greatest. Since we’re both Aries, we both want instant gratification. Obviously it’s going to take some time to gather the whole house together. We’re starting with the living room for now.
My craft room is still at my parents house for now. We haven’t painted my new craft room yet. Yes, I’m going to have a craft room at the new house too. Like I said, Dave is the greatest! I told him the garage can be his man cave. Hehehe
Saturday is my 26th birthday! I am getting OLD, no offense. The only plan I had for my birthday was to do the Susan G. Komen Walk for LA County. I thought it was especially special since it lands on my birthday. Dave planned a dinner for me and invited my friends. Yay! Again, he's the greatest!
No crafting for awhile until I get my new craft room situated. Thanks for stopping by!
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