Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Finally, here is the project I've been working on for Valentine's Day! This is something I read on greenbean's crafterole blog. She has a lot of fantastic ideas! Thank you for sharing your project with us.

This is made with the Cupcake Wrapper Cartridge. I wanted this cartridge so bad that I bought it from Wal-Mart for $40! I normally don't spend more than $30 a cartridge. It's a cupcake made out of the fuzzy socks! Right now, they seem to be very popular so you can get them pretty much anywhere for about $1. I got these from a local dollar store by my house.

This one is for Mike's boss, Maria.

This one is for my co-workers.

I wish I had the little red fuzz balls to make it look like there was a cherry on top! It still turned out cute though and everyone loved it! It was just funny how everyone didn't know they were socks at first sight.

By the way, Valentine's Day in the office is awesome! There are treats everywhere! Hope you all have a good one. Thanks for stopping by!

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