Monday, October 12, 2009

altering flashcards

so today is columbus day and i had the day off. i wasn't as productive as i wanted to be. i wasted it most of my day. i ate brunch at 1oish and went back to sleep at 11:30! i didn't wake up until 2 and finally got to my playing time...

i subscribe to paper crafts magazine and i always love reading the technique sections, because they always have some new ideas to alter something. i read an article where they were altering some playing cards. so i was at the dollar store and i saw some flashcards for children. i thought "hey i can alter that!" so i bought one box of flash cards for $1! i dont know exactly how many? but there was a lot.

the box of flashcards i bought and a couple of them out.

but i covered up the flashcards! i made a mini scrapbook for my co-worker hilda's son daniel! she gave me a couple of pictures of him when he was younger.

dad and son at the hospital; daniel and his older brother

baby's 1st christmas with daddy and uncles; a couple of pictures of daniel

i thought this picture was the cutest! look at danny has his arms around his lil buddy!; danny's 1st birthday

la familia at the park; with grandma

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